Download and extract the samsung sm-g355h stock firmware package on the computer after extracting the package, you will be able to get the firmware file, flash tool, driver, and how-to flash guide install the provided usb driver on the computer, and if in case usb driver is already installed, then skip this step. Download file firmware samsung core 2. Pastikan bahwa samsung galaxy core 2 sm-g355h anda sudah terdeteksi oleh odin 3 v3107 (tandanya ada tulisan “added” di bagian logs) setelah itu klik “ap” dan masukkan file firmware yang berformat “tarmd5” yang berada di dalam folder hasil ekstrak firmware samsung galaxy core 2 sm-g355h kalau semua langkah di atas sudah.
download file firmware samsung core 2
This is the official android 442 kitkat stock firmware/rom(flash file) for the samsung galaxy core 2 sm-g355h android phone the flash file for the samsung galaxy core 2 sm-g355h is necessary when you want to perform any of the following software-related tasks: upgrade/update your samsung galaxy phone’s firmware. Download the latest samsung firmware for galaxy core2 with model code sm-g3558. check out our free download or super fast premium options.. All the following samsung stock rom (zip file) contains original samsung usb driver, odin flash tool and the flash file. after downloading the firmware, follow the instruction manual to flash the firmware on your device..
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