Our pubg custom match guide contains everything you need to know about joining a custom server and game pubg isn’t just home to the traditional battle royale experience, there’s also a whole host of other game modes you can get stuck into if you’re after a bit more variety. How to make custom game on pubg. You need to know, to start the game in the custom room at least 2 players are needed for solo mode and 2 groups for squad mode how to make a custom game in pubg how to make a room without buying an elite pass without having to have a royal pass you can also make a room by contacting gm from pubg mobile.
how to make custom game on pubg
Pubg custom room is the place through which you can play as a team with other players therefore, players zone, use it to participate in the game and compete against opponents i hope now you have realized the significance of the custom room in the game hundreds of players can join a single room and play together. Playing pubg is fun but what if we tell you some ways to make it even better. the game has got a lot of features and it is much more than just playing pubg on different servers. most people think that the gameplay of pubg mobile is limited to playing with a hundred other people on an island and that only for people can team up. however, this is not the case and you can play with a hundred. How to make or join a custom room in pubg pc lite. my discord link - discord link - https://discord.gg/mszqzn2 comment down below if you want any information or you have any questions..
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